showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Battle Cruiser Action Mytopia Gameware Institute1981[Mytopia Gameware Institute is] A game studio founded in the late '70s with the notion that a computer can play a game just like the player.

It didn't need to cheat, and with the correct programming can even outplay a human.

They finally overcame this hurdle in 1981 with the critically acclaimed game "Battle Cruiser Action"
[Frank Heffner]
Stellar Action Mytopia Gameware Institute1981 labelminimizeminimize
Warrior of Ras: Volume I - Dunzhin Screenplay1982This is a Rogue-like game that uniquely features fighting tactics. You can attack enemies in different locations with a chosen amount of force to achieve different damage effectiveness.

And yes, the originals are all spelled "Warrior of Ras" while the sequels are all spelled "Warrior[b][i]s[/i][/b] of Ras"
Galactic Adventures SSI1983 labelimageminimize
Warriors of Ras: Volume II - Kaiv  Screenplay (Intelligent Statements)1983This is a Rogue-like game that uniquely features fighting tactics. You can attack enemies in different locations with a chosen amount of force to achieve different damage effectiveness.

And yes, the originals are all spelled "Warrior of Ras" while the sequels are all spelled "Warrior[b][i]s[/i][/b] of Ras"
Wizard's Crown SSI1986 labelimageminimize
MX-151  Kingformation1987 labelminimizeminimize